Stewed rhubarb is, in addition to being the easiest thing ever, delicious. To make htis, I simply cleaned and chopped up a bunch of rhubarb, into 1cm or so chunks, and put the whole lot into a pan with a couple tablespoons of raw sugar and the juice of a lemon. Cook it over a medium-low heat until it is soft and melting. The sugar needed will vary between types of rhubarb, and some rhubarb might need a little water added.
For the crumble, you want to take 100gm of cold butter, and the same amount of flour. dice the cold butter finely, and rub it into the flour to form a crumb. Once this is done, mix through a cup of oats, a 1/2 cup of coconut (shredded) and a 1/4 cup of brown sugar, and crumb together a bit more. Spread it onto a baking tray and cook for 20 minutes or so at 180, until everything is browned and crispy.
Drop the rhubarb into a serving bowl, cover liberally with crumble mix, and top with cream/yoghurt/icecream/whatever.